Paclet Listing

BTools  v2.1.53
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A general purpose package that implements useful functionality for application development. Features include: distribution tools, documentation generation, front-end manipulation, and application editing

ChemTools  v1.4.2
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A collection of packages for object oriented chemistry.The primary packages implement an object and data framework.Support is included for basic spectroscopy and a few different external programs.A moderately sophisticated discrete variable representation framework is included as well.

EasyIDE  v1.0.15
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An IDE for Mathematica. Supports tabbing, file browsing, plugins, customizable stylesheets, extension specific tweaks and toolbars, and is reasonably customizable

Ems  v1.0.11
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A static website builder like pelican or jekyll. Comes with built in themes and the ability to develop one's own.

PJLink  v1.1.2
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A J/Link-like interface to python that provides a mechanism to evaluate code in pythonfrom Mathematica and in Mathematica from python. Memory is used efficiently allowing transfer of large data.